A brand award ceremony is just what it sounds like – a celebration of the work that a brand has done over a given period, usually an annual event. The first brand award ceremony was held over 50 years ago and was designed to formalize corporate awards and recognize outstanding employees. More recently, award ceremonies became more common, which is evident in the number of brands that have instituted such ceremonies.
Benefits of Brand Award Ceremony
1. Provides recognition and a positive environment
Ceremonies are a way to celebrate the hard work that employees put into the brand, and to recognize them in front of the public. This is of great benefit when it comes to employee morale because they are praised publicly. It also makes sure that everyone is on the same page with regards to what brand values are – this is important for maintaining a consistent brand identity.
2. Customer appreciation: good relationship starter
In any business, customer relationships hold great importance. When brands have ceremonies, they have an opportunity to make their customers feel valued by inviting them to be present at the event as well as give out awards for the most outstanding of them during an online awards ceremony. This will help create a good relationship between the brand and its customers, which can be beneficial when it comes to sales.
3. It creates desire: it creates the need to be recognized
Awards act as incentives that motivate employees to work harder, better, and faster. For brands, giving out awards at ceremonies is a way to create a sense of urgency for the company’s goals for the year. The ceremony serves as a reward for those who worked hard and achieved their goals, so employees know what they should be working towards.
4. The ceremony can also serve as an orientation tool
For new employees, brand award ceremonies are great in bringing about company-wide awareness of the brand’s positions in the market, goals for growth and development, vision and mission statements etcetera.